- I have been out of high school for more than two years.
- I have an IQ higher than the average moron.
- I have freedom of choice (God gave it to me as a birthday present).
They are all reasons why I don’t want to read Twilight!
Seriously, I don’t want to read the Twilight series. Seriously.
I don't want to personally offend those teenage girls who squeal at the mention of the words "Edward" and "Cullen". But on the other hand, I only personally know one Twilight fangirl, so Katie, I am sorry, but your love of teenage vampires irks me.
The Twilight phenomenon irks me so much I lay awake last night listing the reasons I would pay to avoid Stephanie Meyer's vampire books. Here's a few reasons in a nice list:
- The cover: I judge books by their covers (I know every elementary and Sunday School teacher will tell you not to judge a book by its appearance). I believe that books have covers for a reason; they speak to us. And Twilight's book cover says nothing special to me. When I had no idea that teenage, romantic vampires lived in Forks, Washington I spotted Twilight in bookstores and in the arms of my peers I thought, "That book has nothing to offer me". There is nothing about a red apple cupped in some girl's hands that appeals to me. I just don't want to read that. Sorry.
- In the words of Miss Meyer herself: I love poking around babynames.com, I can not wait to be a mom, so when I get bored I get a head start on complying a list of baby names for when I finally become a mom-to-be. I also use babynames.com for naming the characters in my head. I saw a link that said something like, "Are You an Author?" and I thought , "Well I am not a mom-to-be" so I clicked on the link and found a thread of post by users of the site... and Stephanie Meyer was one of them. The question being discussed went something like, "As an author how do you name your characters?". I am almost sorry I read Meyer's response. *sigh* I can't find the link anymore (I must admit I am a bit mifted at babynames.com), but I will summarize: Meyer named Edward after numerous iconic romantic literary characters such as Edward Fairfax Rochester (I must say I fell head over heals in love with Mr. Rochester when I read Charlotte Brontë's Jane Eyre.) Even though Edward is a nice name and has great romance literature ties, that does not mean it is the best pick for your "teenage" vampire. And here's where Meyer gets me really mad, she named Bella after the name she put aside for the daughter she always wanted. When she was writing Twilight she knew she would never get the chance to have a child, so she gave the name away to a ficition character. I don't know if this should bother me as much as it does, but maybe I am uncomfortable with Meyer's reasoning for relinquishing your potential daughter's name. And it's mature to realize when your dreams (ie- having a daughter) turn into dreams deferred, but Isabella was Meyer's potential daughter's name, and now it's a vampire icon.