Thursday, December 11

Twilight Rant part 2

I am inspired and in awe of authors. They manage to get what is in their heads onto paper, and it takes hundreds of pieces of paper to fit it all down.

But, I lose my respect for authors who let their work suffer just so they can crank out a book.

Twilight is probably a good book, but it does not make a great series. Stephanie Meyer's forth book in her vampire romance series, Breaking Dawn does not live up to the quality of her other books. So I want to ask authors, "Why bother?". If you can't deliver the same parameter in your forth book of a series is it worth giving it to your audience? A new book from an established author is like the author fulfilling an unwritten pact with the audience. If an author can't turn out the quality the trust is broken.

The fact that the forth book of the Twilight series does not live up to the first three books deters me from opening up the first book.

But that's not the last reason I do not want to read Twilight. Another reason is:

  • Edward Cullen fangirls ; ) ~!: I was at work the day after the Twilight movie was released. And I work with a girl who would marry Edward Cullen if she ever got a hold of this fictional character and a priest. She loves to plaster her facebook with Edwardian paraphernalia (and I am not referring to King Edward the VII). And when she can't find the right words to illustrate exactly how she is feeling she misquotes the Twilight movie by crediting THE ACTOR, Robert Pattinson, with a sophomoric quote. I feel very uncomfortable with pop-culture phenomenons that pull fans into a fictional universe so far that fangirls confess to loving Meyer's books so much that she doesn't have to read any other book for the rest of her life. Yeah, true story.
Maybe I am just overreacting to the stories I have heard about Twilight. Maybe I am just afraid of becoming an Edward fangirl (shudders). But then again, my friend who has read all four books has said that Breaking Dawn is so terrible that it is the last book she would recommend to anyone. And as I said before, if the series can't be good it is not worth it.

I know I am harping on Twilight a lot. But it is important for me to get all my feelings about teenage romantic vampires off my chest.

Hang in there Pam, there will be a day when you do not think about the horrors of vampires shimmering in the sunlight.